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Why Accidents Happen More Often in Fall (and How to Stay Safe)?

Updated: Apr 29

Fall brings changing leaves, cooler weather, and unfortunately, more car accidents. As an auto body shop owner for over 20 years, I've seen the uptick in collisions firsthand. This means more damaged car auto body parts coming into my shop for repair and replacement. In this article, we'll explore the top reasons accidents increase in autumn and actionable tips to keep you and your family safe on the road. Why Fall Means More Accidents? Several factors lead to the annual jump in fender benders and more serious crashes when summer changes to fall. Deer on the Move Deer activity increases in autumn due to mating season and preparation for winter. Dusk and dawn are the highest risk times. Slow down and stay alert, especially on country roads. Defensive driving can prevent a dangerous collision. If a deer jumps in front of you, resist swerving which can cause loss of control. Fallen Leaves Slick leaves on roads are like nature's banana peels. Leaves pile up and hide potholes and road hazards. They also reduce traction when wet. Slow your speed and increase the following distance to allow more time to stop on the leaf-covered pavement. Sun Glare Earlier sunsets and later sunrises lead to commutes in low light. Sun glare can be blinding, reducing visibility. Make sure your windshield is spotless inside and out. Invest in polarized sunglasses and visors. Cooler Temps Colder fall temperatures bring potential dangers like frost and fog. Give yourself extra commute time and double your following distance. Slow down since your tires won't grip as well in cold weather. Less Daylight Shorter days mean more night driving. Fatigue increases after dark. Optimize visibility with properly aimed headlights. Scan farther ahead to give yourself more reaction time. Drive Safely This Fall While autumn brings extra driving challenges, a few simple precautions can help you avoid an accident.

● Leave extra distance between vehicles ● Drive below the speed limit when conditions require it ● Focus fully on driving - no distractions ● Check blind spots carefully ● Brake early, brake slowly ● Ensure lights are aimed properly ● Get plenty of rest to prevent drowsy driving


As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, it's time to take extra care on the roads.

Defensive driving and planning ahead for fall conditions will help you avoid adding dents or scratches to your car auto body parts.

With vigilance and proper precautions, you can continue to enjoy autumn drives while minimizing accidents.

Don't become another fall statistic plagued by wet leaves or deer collisions. Embrace the season safely by driving alert with slowed speeds and increased stopping distance.

Before you know it, winter will be here, bringing its own driving hazards. For now, stay safe on the beautiful fall roadways by driving focused and aware.

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